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Brand Phonak

Serenity Choice Music KM20


Designed specifically for musicians, music lovers, and concert goers to help prevent hearing damage in loud listening environments 

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Best for attenuating sound to a safe level, making it great for music listening as the listener doesn’t lose any of the original sound.



  • Clarity of sound
  • Full music dynamics
  • No occlusion
  • Healthy moisture balance
  • Flat attenuation response so all frequencies are reduced by the same level
  • Hygienic: Acoustic filters are fitted with advanced technology mesh and are designed to allow air to enter the ear and therefore are comfortable to wear for a long time.
  • Hypoallergenic: Earplugs are made from medical grade TPE.
  • Natural: Natural hearing is preserved, which facilitates situational awareness.
  • While hearing protection with resistive tube filters can sound muffled and unnatural, the Music filters provide full frequency, enjoyable audio reduced to safe listening levels.